Welcome to STEX Advanced design bureau


STEX Advanced design Bureau is an Advanced Enterprise Engineering lab and an Advanced Technology system Design Bureau. STEX stands for Scalable Techniques for Engineered applications using Advanced Design.

STEX advanced design bureau's primary objective is to provide High Tech - Industrial Design/Industrial Logic ( Industrialistix ) Solutions and RD&D ( Research, Design & Development ) Directions, in a multitude of Industrial Domains ( Aviation, Software Tech, Engineering, Computing...).

Industrial Design is no longer about beautification of Systems. It is about creating strategic Intelligent foundations, New Design Directions, New User Experiences (UX), to drive growth and change across industries.

There's an endless market for Industrial Design & Industrial Logic - Driving product Design/Innovation, Product User Interface Design Experience, Innovative & Scalable services and finally systems that need simplification.

That is the reason, why Industrial design today is so influential and strategic. This is where STEX comes in. STEX Advanced Design Bureau helps you create, Brand new ( Unique ) Systematic Industrial Design & Industrial Logic Based, Product Systems & Product User Experiences (UX's).

Finally, When you Think about ENGINEERED SYSTEMS & SYSTEM SCALING, We persuade you to Think about STEX !. We realistically, reduce the Number of System Variables, that define your Products/Systems. This leads to Ultra Scale Systems & Ultra Scale Databases. We are pioneers of this approach, and we call This Approach/Technique as - Reduced Instruction Set Thinking.

Primary Target Audience, for our RD&D Activities

The Primary Target Audience for Our [ RD&D Activities ] are all of the following companies: MICROSOFT, SIEMENS, MITSUBISHI, IBM, ORACLE,MAN AG, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC,SCANIA, APPLE, CSC, GOOGLE, HP YAHOO, ENTERPRISE Software & Industrial Majors & Minors, Intellectual Ventures, Other System Integrators, Stanford, MIT, TEXAS A&M , UCLA,CALTECH and other Universities....

Our Research,Design & Development activities are conducted on "The Field", which Comprises of the Following

  1. Visits, Observations & Studies of Industrial Factory Sites, Factory Processes and Factory Machines
  2. Visits, Observations & Studies of Agricultural/Nursery and Cultivation Sites.
  3. Experience in Technology Projects, in ICT Companies.
  4. Experiments & Experience in Public Systems like Stock Exchanges & Financial Services.
  5. Experiments and Experience in Public information Search Engines like Google.
  6. Experiments and Experience in Educational Institutions for Higher Education ( Subject: Computer Science, Science & Commercial Aviation ).
  7. Exposure to Informative Documentaries, through TV Channels like - DW (Deutsche Welle) TV, NHK Japan, National Geographic & Discovery.
  8. Observations & Studies of Films/Movies like - E.g. Contact, Tron, Matrix, IRobot, StarTrek.....
  9. Travel Abroad & Observations/Studies of, modern public systems in - Europe, Japan, Hong Kong, Middle East.
  10. Fundamental Research, Breakthroughs and Documentation in the Form of Books like Intelligent Design, 97 Things Every Software Architect must Know.
  11. Experiments and Experience in Game play ( Software Games ).
  12. Exposure and Visits to Industrial Exhibitions.
  13. Study of Complex/Semi Complex Software Systems, Industrial Ecosystems and Economics Systems.
  14. Exposure to Technical Blogs on the Internet.